Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Cost To Join GMB?
GMB Rates within ASDA Are as follows: -

Full time - Grade 1
(Colleagues who work over 20hrs per week)
£3.36 per week (£13.45 per month)

Part time - Grade 2
(Colleagues who work up to 20hrs per week)
£1.93 per week (£7.75 per month) 

Sick and unemployed members
It is important to speak with GMB if you are off work due to long term sickness.  We are able to reduce your membership rates and ensure your membership continues.
5p per week.

Management & Salaried Colleagues pay the same rates as above but it is important to note that they need to pay for their membership through Direct Debit.

 Last updated Sat, 25 Mar 2017 1:52pm

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